Tuesday, October 11, 2016

vocab 10/11/16

Meme: an element of culture passed from one individual to another especially through imitation
Ex: Cultures that live on through memes spread far and wide from its origin.

Virus: A piece of code which is capable. of copying itself and has detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data
Ex: A computer virus can spread and infect other computers.

Viral: An image, video or piece of information that circulates rapidly and widely from one internet user to another.
Ex: The video went viral and was seen by millions

Blog: (weblog) site regularly updated by a user or a group of people
Ex: She regularly contributes a blog to the magazine's website

Wiki: website that allows anyone to edit content
Ex: many contribute to the information posted on Wikipedia

URL: protocol for specifying addresses on the internet
Ex: I will send you a URL of all my work through email

Website: a connected group of pages on the world wide web
Ex: Your grades can be found on the Aeries website

Www: (world wide web) a collection of internet networks available across the world
Ex: My website can be reached by searching the worlwide web.

Internet: local are connection of internet servers
Ex: the internet is often used to look up information on anything you'd like to know about.

2.0: an improved version of something
Ex: the world wide web was the internet 2.0

Open source: customization of source code is encouraged
Ex: open source software is used to be more useful and error free in the long run

Monday, October 10, 2016

Team Vocab Test

When it comes to the elections of this year, many people can anticipate these two candidates to surely accuse each other from doings of the past. Each candidate tries to remain stolid, but Hilary definitely outbeats Trump. It's aggravating because Trump and Hilary are constantly sticking their probosci into everyone's business and venomously attacking each other. With each debate, America is left suspended to watch the next one just to see the two yell at each other. Both Candidates try to hypnotize the world into thinking their fit to be president; they try to prove that they can transform this world into something greater, but they simply just illuminate each other's faults.